"Her mother taught her how to create talismans from discarded words and objects. And Zohra knew, instinctively, that the small pieces of paper or raw leather that were given to barren women and impotent men were covered with the very signs and symbols that she had glimpsed in the Green Book and that were forever inscribed in her memory. She poached in the green pastures of endless phrases and wisdoms with her own chants and incantations. She transformed old men's fortresses into wild pastures where jealousy, love, and revenge acted out their own tragedies. She conjured magic by dismantling the text, cutting words and sentences out, creating fury out of order"
Dreams of Maryam Tair: Blue Boots and Orange Blossoms (Interlink World Fiction) - Mhani Alaoui

Alaoui, Mhani.  Dreams of Maryam Tair: Blue Boots and Orange Blossoms.  Northampton: Interlink Publishing Group, 2015