A modern-day geeky fairy tale, mashing up the classic tale of Cinderella with the world of Science Fiction fandom. On one side we have Elle, a life-long fan of Starfield, the Star Trek-esq TV show she grew up watching with her father. On the other side is Darien, teen heart-throb slated to play the leading role of Federation Prince Carmindor in the pending series reboot, closet nerd and written off as little more than brainless eye candy by the fandom. In between the two lie conniving step-family, a job on the Magic Pumpkin food truck, the internet, and the deep seated passion of fandom.
This book is absolutely adorable. I sat down and read it in a day. A must-read for fans of Rainbow Rowell's Fangirl or Jen Wilde's Queens of Geek.
Advanced Reader Copy copy courtesy of Quirk Books; differences may exist between uncorrected galley text and the final edition.