The Christmas season has come to London, along with a new moon, and there are things that take advantage of the dark of night (reviewer aside - why Christmas Eve and not Solstice?). Among all the gifts and cheer, a Book finds its way into the hands of a resentful young man who desires power. What starts as a sacrifice and invocation, soon proves dark and alien, to a dangerous end.
So. Mercedes Lackey has written a story with Lovecraftian flavor. This has resulted in probably the coziest "C'thulhu Mythos" story I have ever encountered. Note: there is no direct reference in name or language to the Mythos, but the traits are heavily present throughout. It also gives us more of her vision of Sherlock Holmes & Co, as introduced in A Study in Sable, and stars the ever steady Nan, Sarah, and their birds. If you want more Nan and Sarah, or just want cozy Mythos story, give it a try. If the idea of a cozy Lovecraftian novel hurts your mind, I recommend skipping this one.
Advance Reader Copy courtesy of DAW (Penguin RandomHouse) in exchange for an honest review; changes may exist between galley and the final edition.